Last Opinions

Overwatch 2 Best PC Settings


  Display Settings

  • Display Mode: Fullscreen
  • Target Display: Best Match
  • Resolution: Choose the native resolution of your monitor and the highest possible refresh rate
  • Field of View: 103 is recommended but it is entirely a personal preference
  • Aspect ratio: Relative to your monitor (usually 16:9)
  • Dynamic Render Scale: Off
  • Render scale: Automatic
  • Frame rate: Custom, based on your monitors refresh rate.
  • V-Sync: Off
  • Triple buffering: Off
  • Reduce buffering: On
  • NVIDIA Reflex: Enabled + Boost
  • Gamma Correction: 2
  • Contrast: 1
  • Brightness: 1


    Advanced Graphic Settings

  • Graphics quality: Low
  • High-quality upscaling: Default
  • Image sharpening: Default
  • Texture quality: Low
  • Texture filtering quality: Low - 1x
  • Local fog detail: Low
  • Dynamic reflections: Off
  • Shadow detail: Low
  • Model detail: Low
  • Effects detail: Low
  • Lighting quality: Low
  • Antialias quality: Low - FXAA 
  • Refraction Quality: Low
  • Screenshot Quality: 1x resolution
  • Ambient Occlusion: Off
  • Local reflections: Off
  • Damage FX: Default